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Supporting Smokefree Air & Tobacco-Free Lives

California Senate passes bill to raise the age to 21 for sales of tobacco and electronic smoking devices

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The California Senate voted on Tuesday to raise the legal smoking age in the most populous U.S. state to 21 from 18, in a move that could make California one of the states with the highest smoking age. The measure was approved by the Senate 26-8 and must now be approved by the state Assembly. Hawaii lawmakers approved a measure in April to raise the smoking age to 21, and that is awaiting the state governor’s signature.

Since 2013, New York City has required tobacco purchasers to be 21 or older. No state has a smoking age that high, but Alabama, Alaska, Utah and New Jersey set it at 19.   Read more in the Reuters June 2, 2015 article.

Almost a dozen towns in NJ have raised the age of sale of tobacco and electronic smoking devices to age 21. GASP tracks tobacco age of sale increases to age 21. Contact GASP for more information at 908-273-9368 or info@njgasp.org