A Tobacco Control Policy & Legal Resource Center
Supporting Smokefree Air & Tobacco-Free Lives

State Department of Labor reaches decision on County employee’s lawsuit

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The NJ Department of Labor ruled on a workers compensation lawsuit regarding a county employee, Mr. Pulejo, who was exposed to excessive amounts of secondhand smoke at his job for 21 years.  The court found that Pulejo adequately made his case that the cancer was caused by exposure to cigarette smoke from co-workers. He had spent 21 years in an office with several people. He was the only non-smoker in the office, had never smoked, and his family had no history of lung cancer. Unfortunately, the court also found that he had waited too long after identifying the source of his condition to bring the case before the courts, thus exceeding the statute of limitations to file his lawsuit.  Mr. Pulejo lost his court decision, but only on procedural grounds of missing the statute of limitations deadline.   Read the news story on the court decision, and the court decision itself.